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The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson
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The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson
Traditional Catholic reading written in classic English - benefit for the spirit, and a great idea to polish their English
We are very proud that our cartoonist, Jerzy Ozga, enriched the story with his drawings.
Benson wrote many apologetic works, The Religion of the Plain Man, Paradoxes of Catholicism, and Confessions of a Convert
Before you a novel from the time of the greatest persecution of the Church from the Anglican Reinimals
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The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson

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99,00 zł
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Polityka zwrotów: 14
Dostawa 1-3 dni
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We would like to give our readers valuable books in English. Before you a novel from the time of the greatest persecution of the Church from the Anglican Reinimals. Traditional Catholic reading written in classic English - benefit for the spirit, and at the same time a great idea for people who want to polish their English. The Key4 publishing house had its share in this undertaking - we are very proud that our cartoonist, Jerzy Ozga, enriched the story with his drawings.

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Produkty: 20
Obserwujący 1
Data utworzenia: 2024-06-17
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Robert Hugh Benson (1871–1914) was born just outside of London, the youngest son of Mary Sidgwick and Edward White Benson, the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1883 to his death in 1896. Benson studied at Eton and Trinity College in Cambridge and was ordained to the Anglican priesthood by his father in 1895. Benson decided to enter an Anglican religious order, the Community of the Resurrection, however, his attraction to Rome grew as he continued his studies and deepened friendships with Roman Catholics. In 1903, he was received into the Catholic Church. After nine months of study in Rome, he was ordained a Catholic priest

Benson was sent to Cambridge to write and serve as a priest chaplain to the Catholic community. Later, he was allowed to live on his own to devote himself to writing. A prolific author, he traveled extensively, writing and lecturing. Robert Hugh Benson wrote many apologetic works, including The Religion of the Plain Man, Paradoxes of Catholicism, and Confessions of a Convert. He was also a bestselling novelist, writing The Holy Blissful Martyr Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Come Rack! Come Rope!, and The Necromancers. The dystopian novel Lord of the World is his best-known work.

Wydawnictwo KEY4


The Canacle Press At Silverstream Priory
14×21,5 cm
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Robert Hugh Benson
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The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson

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The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson

The King's Achievement - Robert Hugh Benson

99,00 zł
Z Podatkiem
Polityka zwrotów: 14
Dostawa 1-3 dni